The History of the Peoples of the Eastern Desert
(between the Red Sea and the Nile in Egypt and Sudan)
from Prehistory to the Present

Style sheet for contributors
(Click here for a printer-friendly version)


Click for introduction
Click for timeline
Click for abstracts
Click for the program
Click for Archaeology of the
                                Eastern Desert
Click for ARED
Click for Berenike
Click for the Eastern Desert
Click for Eastern Desert Ware
Click for Nomadism
Contributions are typically 7000-9000 words long. A maximum of eight line drawings and eight black-and-white photographs can be included. Illustrations should be ready to fit a virtual frame of 15 x 20 cm (6 x 8 inch). Color photographs can only be printed as such when additional funding is provided by the author. Text and illustrations are best forwarded soft, on a CD-ROM or preferably as an e-mail attachment, in an IBM/PC compatible format (text as a Microsoft Word or WordPerfect document, illustrations as high resolution JPEG or TIFF, bibliographical references as an EndNote file).
All contributions should be in American English and in compliance with the guidelines in this style sheet. These are adapted from The Chicago Manual of Style and Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary to which reference is made for further information. Kindly
keep formatting to a minimum and refrain from using different type fonts for captions, headings, notes and tables. The deadline for submitting contributions to the History of the Peoples of the Eastern Desert is Friday 1 February 2009. Please contact the editors with any special requirements or additional questions.

Linnaean biological terms


Abbreviations should be avoided, with the exceptions noted in this style sheet. In the text, the words “table,” “figure,” “plate,” “chapter” and “appendix” are spelled out, not capitalized and not preceded by “see.” Recast sentences to avoid cf., e.g., i.e., etc.
Metric measurement units are abbreviated and without periods, English measurements are spelled out.
15 x 20 cm (6 x 8 inch)

Circa (ca.) is used with dates, not distances or measurements. Use "approximately," "about," "around," "nearly" or "roughly" instead.
Use Ph.D. and M.A., but UCLA rather than U.C.L.A. and US rather that U.S. (or U.S.A.).

As they retain their original last letter, “Dr” and “Mr” are not followed by a period.
Long names and terms that are mentioned frequently may be abbreviated once they have been introduced, in parenthesis, after the full name.
Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA)
Eastern Desert Ware (EDW)


Appendices are numbered "A," "B," "C," etc. in sequence. Figures and tables appearing in appendices are numbered in continuation of those in the chapter.

All stylistic elements apply also to the appendices.


Information in the bibliography must include the following, in this order: author(s); date of publication; title; source of the article with journal or book volume; place of publication; publisher; page numbers. Elements are separated by commas. Titles of books and journals are italic, all other titles are roman. Titles are in lower case, except for the initial capital and proper names. A subtitle also has an initial capital.

Adams, W.Y. (1984), Nubia: Corridor to Africa, London (Allen Lane), Princeton (Princeton University).

Araus, J.L., J.P. Ferrio, R. Buxo and J. Voltas (2007), The historical perspective of dryland agriculture: Lessons learned from 10,000 years of wheat cultivation, Journal of Experimental Botany 58,2: 131145.

Arnold, D. (1993), "Techniques and Traditions of Manufacture in the Pottery of Ancient Egypt," in D. Arnold and J. Bourriau (eds.), An introduction to Ancient Egyptian pottery: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Abteilung Kairo: Fascile 1: Sonderschrift 17, Mainz am Rhein (Verlag Philip von Zabern), pp. 1

Baines, J. and J. Malek (2000), Cultural atlas of Ancient Egypt [revised edition], Abingdon (Andromeda Oxford Ltd).

Shepard, A.O. (1976), Ceramics for the archaeologist [fifth printing of the 1954 manuscript], Washington DC (Carnegie Institution).

For three or more authors, use "et al." (not italic) in the main text, this is not acceptable in the bibliography.

Adams, W.Y., L.J. Abel, D.E. Arnold, N. Chittick, W.M. Davis, P. De Maret, R. Fattovich, H.J. Franken, C.C. Kolb, T.P. Myers, M.P. Simmons and E.L. Syms (1979), On the argument from ceramics to history: A challenge based on evidence from Medieval Nubia [and Comments and Reply], Current Anthropology 20,4: 727-744.

Two or more works published in the same year by the same author are distinguished by lower case letters following the date with no space.

Keimer, L. (1952a), Notes prises chez les Bišarīn et les Nubiens d’Assouan: Deuxième partie, Bulletin de l’Institut d’Égypte 33, Session 1950–1951: 42–84.

Keimer, L. (1952b), Notes prises chez les Bišarīn et les Nubiens d’Assouan: Troisième partie, Bulletin de l’Institut d’Égypte 33, Session 1950–1951: 85–136.

Place of publication should be given in English.

Badawi, F.A. (1976), Die Römische Gräberfelder von Sayala-Nubien, Vienna (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften).

Webpages are cited in full in a footnote (not the bibliography) with information on when the page was consulted. (accessed 25 November 2008) 


Calendar dates are expressed as day-month-year.
25 November 2008

Months and days of the week are spelled out in the text; three letter abbreviations may be used in tables.
25 Nov. 2008

BCE and CE are used preferentially, capitalized with no periods, BP for calibrated radio-carbon dates and bp for uncalibrated radio-carbon dates. In a range of dates the first should appear first.
100 BCE–100 CE

1960s has no apostrophe.


A title used with a full name is capitalized and abbreviated. When used with the last name only, it is capitalized and spelled out.
Dr John Bintliff (no period)
Prof. John Bintliff
Professor Bintliff

With a place name, generic terms like "lake," "mountain," "river," "valley" or "plain" are capitalized.
The Eastern Desert is situated between the Nile Valley and the Red Sea.
The desert east of the Nile is referred to as the Eastern Desert.

Names of geological and cultural periods are capitalized, including modifiers like "Early," "Middle" or "Late," but not words like "epoch" or "period."
Early Iron Age
The Pliocene period

Seasons and points of the compass are not capitalized, unless they refer to a specific geographical or political division.
Northern Ireland
southeast Egypt

Words either side of a hyphen are both capitalized if each can be used independently.


When an author is cited, the date should follow in parenthesis. When a publication in cited, both author and date are in parenthesis.
The site was first described by Brownberry (1976:43-52).
Other examples can be found at Gomolava (
Bruckner et al. 1980, 1988; Stalio 1984a, b).

Use a colon with no space between date and page number.
Use a comma to separate works, in chronological order, by the same author. Multiple citations should be alphabetical or chronological, but consistently so throughout the chapter.
(Arnold 1993; Bruckner et al. 1988; Stalio 1984)
(Stalio 1984; Bruckner et al. 1988; Arnold 1993)
Lower-case letters indicate multiple publications by one author in a single year.
A semicolon separates works by different authors.
If two authors are listed in the bibliography have the same last name, their initials should be included in the citation.
(A.B. Smith 2008; S.T. Smith 2008)

In the text, use "et al." (not italic) when citing a work by more than three authors. The bibliography should have the complete list of authors.
Do not use "ibid.", "op.cit.", "loc.cit." and "idem."

When an illustration is used from another publication, the caption should refer to the original, introduced by "after," in parenthesis immediately following the figure number.
Figure 1 (after Brownberry 1976): Plan of the site.
Webpages are cited in full in a footnote (not the bibliography) with information on when the page was consulted. (accessed 25 November 2008)


There should be no spaces on either side of a hyphen.
Prefixes are generally joined to the base word, unless the latter is capitalized when a hyphen is used.

Words either side of a hyphen are both capitalized if each can be used independently.

Hyphenate descriptive terms that include a preposition as well as fractions when spelled out.
black-on-red ware

Use hyphens to connect two words denoting a single object and to separate contractions resulting in two adjacent vowels.

Hyphens can also be used to indicate a difference in meaning.
re-form versus reform
re-sign versus resign


Maximum dimensions of any illustration are 15 x 20 cm (6 x 8 inch).
Illustrations can include drawings, maps, charts, graphs and photographs. All are referred to as figures and are numbered consecutively within each chapter. Each figure should be preceded by a call-out in the text.
On maps, natural features (rivers, seas, mountains) should be italic.
Figure captions are placed below the figure, the word "Figure" should be spelled out and capitalized. Numbers should be in arabic numerals followed by a colon. The caption is followed by a period. Illustration references should be included in the caption, in parenthesis directly following the figure number; credits are placed at the end of the caption.
Figure 1 (after Brownberry 1976): Plan of the site.
Figure 1: Plan of the site (surveyed and drawn by Fred Aldsworth).

Scales should be included in all illustrations. Lacking scales, include the actual size in the caption.


In general, phrases and words in languages other than English are italicized. When a foreign word is used regularly throughout the text it should be in italics first, followed by an English translation, and in roman thereafter.
Avoid the use of italics for emphasis or special usage; recast a sentence to give the needed emphasis.
When defining a technical term, the term is italicized.
Titles of books and journals are italicized.

Linnaean biological terms

Genus and species are italicized, but not their derivates. Phylum, class, order and family are not italicized.
Balanites aegyptica
Mytilus sp.
The Rosaceae family

Capitalize genus, but not species.
Do not italicize the abbreviation "sp." or "spp." in a biological name.
When used in italicized text, Linnaean names should be in roman type.


Preferably recast sentences to avoid lists, use numbering only when procedural.


The metric system is preferred, English measurements may be included in parenthesis. Make sure, however, that the conversion is accurate. Units are abbreviated with no period.
Use symbols for percent (%) and degree (°).
For square measurements, use "x" and not "by."
Do not repeat unit or symbol after each number.
15 x 20 cm (6 x 8 inch)

When citing a measurement range in sentence form, use a preposition ("to" or "between") rather than a hyphen.
Geographical coordinates have a space between degrees and minutes, but not between minutes and seconds.
19°N 23'12" / 35°E  45'20"


Use footnotes sparingly, endnotes are not used.

A sentence in parenthesis or dashes is preferable to a footnote.

Webpages are cited in full in a footnote (not the bibliography) with information on when the page was consulted. (accessed 25 November 2008)
Note numbers in the text are placed outside directly after punctuation (except a dash).
Do not place note numbers with captions or titles.


Use arabic numerals, except where citations require roman numerals.
Up to four numerals are written without divider, five and more are separated by commas every third digit.

Spell out numbers one through ten, except in measurements. Use digits for numbers larger than 10, it is appropriate to use "a hundred" or "ten thousand."
Spell out any number at the beginning of a sentence, but rather recast a sentence to avoid this.
Spell out ordinal numbers below ten, higher numbers can be given as 12th, 13th, etc.
second to third century CE
20th century

Use all the digits of page numbers and years.
pp. 213-251
1150-1120 BCE

Fractions used alone are spelled out; decimal fractions are preceded by zero.
two-thirds of the population


A colon, comma or period is followed by only one space (not two).
Use square brackets to enclose a parenthetical element already within parentheses.
Use a colon after a statement introducing a list, but not when a verb precedes the listing.
The petroglyphs carried a variety of motifs: single parallel lines, wavy or zigzag lines, dot designs and circles.
The grave goods included an iron knife, a pair of metal earrings, a bronze ring and several iron nails.

Use a colon after a statement followed by a closely related explanation or illustration.
Avoid the "Oxford comma."
"red, white and blue" rather than "red, white, and blue"

Use a comma before "and," "but," "nor" and "or" when they join two independent clauses, but not when the second clause does not contain a subject nor a predicate.
Objects made of mica usually have fragile, weak edges, and the paper-thin layers can easily be broken off.
Objects made of mica are fragile and can be easily broken.

Use a comma to set off appositive words and phrases but not to separate restrictive expressions.
The diagnostic wares, Gray Luster and Gray Luster Channeled, were found in both levels.
Both levels contained the diagnostic wares Gray Luster and Gray Luster Channeled.

Use a comma between adjectives modifying the same noun (when "and" can be placed between the adjectives without changing the meaning of the sentence).
Very dark, burnished finewares were found.

Use a comma to indicate the omission of an obvious word or phrase.
A surface survey showed the first site to be  liberally covered with sherds; the second, less so.

Use a dash to emphasis appositive expressions in a sentence that already has other internal punctuation or to indicate an abrupt change in thought or in sentence structure.
There should be no space on either side of a dash.
Do not overuse the dash.
Use parenthesis around explanatory, nonessential material used within a sentence, for instance to enclose references, directions, sources of information or to enclose the translation of a foreign word of phrase.

A sentence in parenthesis or dashes is preferable to a footnote.
Use a semicolon between independent clauses not joined by a coordinating conjunction.
Almost half of the used artifacts had preserved bulbs of percussion; more than half had truncated bulbs.

Use a semicolon between elements in a listing where there are commas within the elements.
Use a semicolon before conjunctive adverbs such as "therefore," "however" or "nevertheless" connecting two independent clauses.
If corrosion is advanced, the lead will have cracks on the surface and in the underlying metal; therefore, it will crack and fragment easily.

As they retain their original last letter, “Dr” and “Mr” are not followed by a period.
A comma and period are placed within the quotation marks, a colon and semicolon outside.
Use a comma before "and," "but," "nor" and "or."


Brief quotations are kept within the text and set off with quotation marks. The quotation should be followed by its source in brackets.
If longer than three lines, quotations are set off from the text by indenting the text and leaving extra space above and below. Do not use quotation marks. A quotation should be followed by its source in parenthesis.
Use three dots to indicate where part of the quotation has been omitted. Use brackets to contain inserted material.
As is evident from the recently published statement “The mDAjw [Medjay] form part of the ancestors of the modern Beja ... the term mDA(j) is used as a general expression for the Beja mountains and the native Beja inhabitants” (Zibelius-Chen 2007).

A comma and period are placed within the quotation marks, a colon and semicolon outside.


American spelling is always used except where not possible, as in book titles or quotations.
Diacritical marks must be used where necessary.
Circa (ca.) is used with dates, not distances or measurements. Use "approximately," "about," "around," "nearly" or "roughly" instead.


Tables are numbered consecutively within each chapter. The table caption is placed above the table and followed by a colon. References should be included in the caption, in parenthesis directly following the table number, credits can be placed at the end of the caption.
Table 1 (modified after Krzywinski and Pierce 2001:92-93): Overview of the main periods of drought and famine in the Sudanese part of the Eastern Desert:
Table 1: Overview of the main periods of drought and famine in the Sudanese part of the Eastern Desert (data collected by Knut Krzywinski and Richard Pierce):
Each table should be preceded by a call-out in the text.

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1, Sharia Dr. Mahmoud Azmi
11211 Zamalek, Cairo
Arab Republic of Egypt
                        for the Cotsen Institute Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA
PO-Box 951510
Los Angeles, CA 90095
United States of America


Click for introduction
Click for timeline Click for abstracts Click for the program